Wednesday, November 7, 2007

A new day approaches on a pitch black night

Starry Starry night.. The perfect day for a blog? Did I just say day..

Life is a paradox of sorts. The beginning of a day on a starry night as the clock strikes twelve, white nights across the Arctic circle, the constant urge to resist temptation, fighting a war for peace, and that if the future hasnt happened it does not exist, and that future cannot come 'cause when it does it is already present...

What then results is the state of systematic chaos. Or so I believe. With every waking day as we still blissfully sleep , we step into another time trap of day and night that presents us more and more situations that juxtapose themselves. And we clever humans , play our cards well and win everyday's game or do we really ,since we are back to square one next morning?

How many times have you or I felt the urge to break free from this circle of destiny and fate,and then just at the circumference of the circle , fate just has something else in store for us. So did we change fate or are we mere pawns in this great game of the universe .

From "loving hate", to "cold fires", to " found missing" , to " alone together" and " small crowds" in miserable abundance that surround our little lives I wonder if we have been " clearly misunderstood" .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Surely this is a good start for a blog! Coz i seem to possess the knack of blocking such truths that require a strong attention span, so profundity isn't for me. But again, thats me....

:) Welcome to be blogworld!